Thursday, June 5, 2014


This week has been exciting and exhausting all at the same time. On Thursday I was actually so tired that I could not lift my head up and had to sleep in 3 extra hours than I usually do. I think being the super woman has finally caught up with me and put me in my place.
So far things are still falling into place but at a much more slower pace than i expected or had played out in mind. Financing is still a challenge and we are able to bring in half a container from our personal resources meaning we still pay more in terms of transport and this really troubles me as i have to weigh between bringing in half and still sell at the cost of the full, counting the losses and maintain the unit price same as if we had brought in a full container where the freight cost is evenly and fairly distributed.

On a personal level (and i would wish those who have traveled this route could write back to me on this) i feel lonely and abandoned by friends and those who all along encouraged and always believed that i could do it. As i worry and think through things i look around and have no one to talk to except my family who are also as anxious as me and yet i do not want to get them more worried for me. I need a strong fort to come back to at the end of the day.

I have learnt that the road less traveled is very lonely and when it comes to comfort no one is willing to offer that. I have also learnt that if i have to get this through this first phase then i have to toughen up and march on focused on the final destination. I somewhat think i will find all of them at the end waiting to celebrate and enjoy with me (not sure how i will receive them at this point). My constant friend has been articles from and  with interesting articles that have kept me going for the time being besides my family. Not having my very close friends for two months and not even one picking a phone to ask me how i am doing its sad....

On to other matters we are bringing in small amount of supplies and hope that we will turn around within a short time and do two of such small within the month of June as we invest back the profits to increase our capital.
 And as we were talking to our neighbors within the office park and introducing ourselves and what we do and deal with since the building is still new and most tenants are still moving in, we met a couple of interesting  neighbors and one who loudly wondered what we ever did in that space (Nyumba Kumi initiative should extend to office buildings). Talking to people and selling your product can yield interesting results and this made add two more products for commercial use unlike the first 5 products that were targeting Humanitarian agencies.

A lady asked what do you have that my sister can use since she is a vegetarian and does not use dairy products. Immediately we went back and was able to find out that our manufacturer has a commercial wing that produces Powdered Soya Milk and Powdered Soya Milk as regular and normal drinks. Meaning we now have 9 products Including Philani Precooked porridges and Nutrimil for both children and adults, RUSF/RUTF (not for Kenyan Market), Powdered Soya Milk, Powdered Soya Milk Plus ( for diabetics) and  Powdered Rice Milk.

We are hoping that in the next coming week our products will be accessible to all of our clients including Humanitarian Organizations, Health Centers and at a retail store for the commercial products.

Next i will update us on what we are planning to do as part of our entry into the communities to allow organizations benefit from the goodness and benefits of our products in partnership with different organizations as they respond to the current drought in Kenya.

In the meantime we are calling on all organizations that are responding to the crisis to partner with us as to help provide the required food supplements those affected by malnutrition and hunger. We are willing to go an extra mile and provide the supplements at affordable and lowest cost you can find in the market. We have a lead time of 15 days for delivery from the factory thus making your response timely and effective.

Email us on or call us on 020 2306839.

For use by humanitarian organisations in addressing malnutrition, body wastage  and low immunity.

 For Commercial Use

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