Tuesday, April 29, 2014

My Journey 2 (Out of my Comfort Zone)

Today i did not go for my planned visits as i had to consult my supervisor with my project due for submission in the next few days as part of fulfillment of my Masters studies. I value education and believe that this will benefit and boost my management skills tremendously and hoping to add one to the number of women sitting on Boards of Management in Kenya both NSE listed and Government parastatals, besides motivating women and girls that education is important.
I will tell you about the past 2 weeks since i started my journey and the experiences, as my Journey 1 was about yesterday only. I will post 2 editions of the journey every week to summarize the week in two parts and let you in on my experiences. I welcome your comments, proposals and insights on what i did well, what i did not not do and what i could have done better to help me make better decisions.
I have always harbored major issues and biases towards Sales and Marketing activities since this was not my career path and i considered them then as out to confuse me to buy what i do not need. I leave the house knowing what i want to buy an that is what i go for anyone in my path even samples (unless its chocolate) has always been a nuisance. My path was set on Humanitarian logistics that required planning and execution with sales and marketing people being part of the chess pieces on my board and a necessary evil as they were supposed to prove to me what value they were adding to my process. 
I am now on this side of having to prove what value my product add to my clients and that i am not a nuisance but out to ensure that someone sees my product, tests it out and returns to be a constant client otherwise how will i grow mu business? I am slowly learning that it is not so bad after all doing what i love most and talking about the fortified porridge (Philani and Philani Yabantwana), Entral feeding (Nutri Mil and Nutrimil Junior), RUSF, RUTF.

Other products are non food Items including agricultural Items, Hygiene kits,health kits,kitchen sets,water treatment, shelter supplies, blankets, mosquito nets, etc

The first week of April i decided let us visit several organisations that i felt were my primary target, and as i have come to learn that family is important, i decided to tell my husband (who equally you can not sell to easily unless he has decided  to buy) and my son the plans for the week and none of them believed i would go through with this part of setting up and making contacts. Justifiably so they were all anxious and the first thing they all asked was "are you fine" and "what happened" like i was going to say "you were right, i chickened out".

The first NGO that we visited, we did find a good team of nutritionist who were my main target. Based on my experiences i have learnt that the acceptance and approval of the technical team is core to a product being accepted and in this case Nutritionist are core to my marketing strategy then procurement department will be my next port of call after the product is accepted to see how we can get qualified or be given a chance to quote.

TO BE CONTINUED.....................

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